They support the Foundation

Endorsement Committee

A number of personalities from the scientific world are giving their moral support to the Foundation's work. The endorsement committee takes part in studying the files and directs the awarding of grants.

Doctor Claude Aubert,
former president of the Association des Médecins du Canton de Genève

Professor Yves Carcassonne,
researcher at the Centre Régional de Lutte contre le Cancer à Marseille (CRAM)

Professor Walter Feremans,
head of the Heamatology Department of the Hôpital Erasme in Brussels

Doctor Michel Forni,
medical director of the Clinique de Carouge, Geneva

Mr. Ludwig Muller,
jeweller-goldsmith, director of several companies

Professor Susanne Suter,
head of the Paediatric Department of the Children's Hospital (Hôpital Cantonal Universitaire), Geneva

Mr. Olivier Vodoz,
former State Councillor of the Republic and Canton of Geneva

Doctor Marinette Wyss,
former head of the Paediatric Department of the Centre Médical Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)

Professor Bernhard Hirt,
established researcher, Virology Department, Institut Suisse de Recherches Expérimentales sur le Cancer (ISREC)*

*ISREC director from 1978 to June 1996

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